Mick Flannery Plus Guests
Age Information
This is an over 18s event. You may be required to show ID (driver's license, Garda / PSNI ID or passport only). Right of admission is reserved.MRK Live Presents: Mick Flannery - Plus Guests
Mick Flannery has a voice for the ages, a complete Master of his craft” cited by Clash Magazine, whilst The Sunday Times said he “conjures up exquisite story-telling.” His latest offering 'Goodtime Charlie' Flannery's eighth studio record went straight to No. 1 at home in Ireland on the independent charts, and No. 2 on the Official Charts, Making it his sixth top 5 record to date, with 3 Number 1 records already under his belt. 'Goodtime Charlie' is also the first international signing for John Prine's beloved Oh Boy Records.
Mick Flannery’s songs are fluent in expressing layered aspects of the human condition, its flaws, triumphs, and general uncertainty. His live shows are renowned for his self-deprecating humour, audience engagement and the ability to bring people on a journey of both heartbreak and joy, often in the same instance.
Mick has built up a reputation over the past decade as one of Ireland hardest working musicians, touring extensively at home and in more recent years abroad as his songs have been reaching folks farther afield. Ireland's best kept secret appears to be no more.
Ticket Information:
General Admission: €28.00(Incl. Booking Fee)