Cowboys and Highwaymen

Cowboys and Highwaymen

Drumcoura City Leitrim
Drumcoura City, Leitrim
Drumcoura City Leitrim 02/05/2025 18:00 - 04/06/2025 23:00
02/05/2025 18:00 - 04/06/2025 23:00

Event Information

Age Information

This is an over 18s event. You may be required to show ID (driver's license, Garda / PSNI ID or passport only). Right of admission is reserved..

Cowboys and Highwaymen:


Cowboys and Highwaymen is an all new truck gathering taking place from the 2nd to the 4th of May 2025. Tickets will cover a tractor unit for up to 4 nights over the May Bank holiday weekend.


There will be live music and other entertainment all weekend.

Ticket Information

General Admission: €64.50 (I
ncl. booking fee)